There are 7 people in our house. We actually create a lot of trash. So much that I finally called the city and requested a second trash receptacle. $12.00 more a month seemed worth it to me, so I scheduled delivery of the new giant plastic beast. And now I KNOW I am old, because when it arrived I was excited. It was NEW. And CLEAN. And we finally had room for all of our trash. And then…someone stole it. I called the city of Plano and asked for another. Apparently, THEY stole it. Someone didn’t close out the order (or some other un-intelligible explanation) which resulted in them taking the extra container back to their lair.
After another phone call, they returned the trash can. For a few days. This morning Todd noticed it was gone – AGAIN. After calling the city - AGAIN, I was told that they had made a mistake (you think?) and they would return the second can – AGAIN. Todd is amused. I am annoyed. And also, taking bets on how long it takes for them to deliver it, and how long it takes until they steal it – AGAIN.