
Another Day...

Last night we put the boys to bed at 9:00. They woke up to eat again at 3:thankyougod45. Amazing. Thank you boys.

And now – a list of items written to my son – Roark:

  1. Stop throwing up on me
  2. Stop screaming like a little girl in my good ear…it hurts
  3. Please drink your bottle without the ½ hour of screaming that you find necessary – it really doesn’t add to the ambiance during mealtime
  4. You get your diaper changed 8-10 times a day. Get used to it.
  5. Wipes cannot hurt you – you freak
  6. It is quite alright to fall asleep after eating without an hour long excursion into the world of insanity. Calm the fuck down and go to sleep.
  7. Stop waking up your brother
  8. Stop scratching me. And when I try to cut your fingernails because I am tired of scratching you, stop screaming like I am cutting off your fingers. They are fingernails. There are no nerve endings in them.
  9. Quit spitting out your pacifier when you really want it
  10. Do you know how cute you are? Especially after a bath when you smell so good and are wearing one of those hats that I love…

And a list of items written to my son – Cole:

  1. Stop spitting up. It is smelly.
  2. Stop waking up your brother.
  3. Grunting is NOT talking. It is grunting. And at 2 am it is annoying.
  4. Stop scratching me.
  5. The dogs bark all the time. ALL THE TIME! Please stop waking up when they do.
  6. You eat every three hours – not every hour-and-a-half. Pig.
  7. When you are full, please stop eating. Pig.
  8. The swing CAN be fun – give it a try.
  9. Poking your brother and sucking on his head when he is crying, although cute, doesn’t really help.
  10. Do you know how cute you are? Especially after a bath when you smell so good and are wearing one of those hats that I love…