Last night we put the boys to bed at 9:00. They woke up to eat again at 3:thankyougod45. Amazing. Thank you boys.
And now – a list of items written to my son – Roark:
- Stop throwing up on me
- Stop screaming like a little girl in my good ear…it hurts
- Please drink your bottle without the ½ hour of screaming that you find necessary – it really doesn’t add to the ambiance during mealtime
- You get your diaper changed 8-10 times a day. Get used to it.
- Wipes cannot hurt you – you freak
- It is quite alright to fall asleep after eating without an hour long excursion into the world of insanity. Calm the fuck down and go to sleep.
- Stop waking up your brother
- Stop scratching me. And when I try to cut your fingernails because I am tired of scratching you, stop screaming like I am cutting off your fingers. They are fingernails. There are no nerve endings in them.
- Quit spitting out your pacifier when you really want it
- Do you know how cute you are? Especially after a bath when you smell so good and are wearing one of those hats that I love…
And a list of items written to my son – Cole:
- Stop spitting up. It is smelly.
- Stop waking up your brother.
- Grunting is NOT talking. It is grunting. And at 2 am it is annoying.
- Stop scratching me.
- The dogs bark all the time. ALL THE TIME! Please stop waking up when they do.
- You eat every three hours – not every hour-and-a-half. Pig.
- When you are full, please stop eating. Pig.
- The swing CAN be fun – give it a try.
- Poking your brother and sucking on his head when he is crying, although cute, doesn’t really help.
- Do you know how cute you are? Especially after a bath when you smell so good and are wearing one of those hats that I love…