
Can you just imagine?

We have a word game I am sure I have written about before that we play at our house. More specifically that the boys like to play. I don't know how it started, however we end up listening to this on every car ride now:

Cole: Can you imagine if there were 400 of me?

Me: No.

Cole: Could you just imagine if there were a thousand of me?

Me: We would need more lunch boxes. And a bigger car.

Roark: Could you just imagine if there were 5 of me?

Me: We would need a bigger car.

Cole: Could you just imagine if there were... Is 1,000,000 bigger than 100?

Me: Yes.

Cole: Could you just imagine if there was 1,000,000 of me?

Me: We would totally need a bigger house. And a lot more jackets.

Roark: Can you imagine if there were 1 of me.

Me: Yes. And it is exhausting.