
My 2007 Outlook

It has taken me a while. 16 days to be exact. I have waffled over my options, my past successes and failures, over what is important in my life. It is not easy to give yourself and honest review…at lest it is not easy for me. I hate being completely honest with myself. So, after much thought, I have decided on my 2007 resolution.

My resolution for 2007 is “be in the moment”, meaning that no matter what I am doing – working, playing with the boys, spending time with the girls, talking to someone on the phone, talking with Todd – I will be 100% focused on that activity. I tend to multi-task a lot and as a result never really engage fully in much of anything. I will do email while on conference calls, read the news while talking on the phone to someone, doodle when in meetings, watch TV while trying to play with the boys, cook dinner while talking to the girls. I just seem to be so easily distracted, and it is making me feel like I am not that good at anything.

This is day 2 of my in-the-momentness and it seems to be a VAST improvement over the old me. I am catching up on email, crossing off action items which I am finally able to complete, making lists of to-do’s which I will finally actually get to, and paying attention in meetings. At home I am enjoying the boys and playing with them, paying more attention to my husband, really listening to the girls…and it all feels more fulfilling.